Cloud-based Load Balancing: What is it?

Do you want to optimize your DNS resolution? Would you like to use multiple nameservers, manage the traffic with them and get a great performance? Cloud-based Load Balancing can be the right tool for the job, but what is it?

What is Cloud-based Load Balancing

Cloud-based Load Balancing is a network of interconnected computers that work together to better distribute the incoming traffic between each of them. Usually, such a cloud-based balancer works on Layer 4 of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model that is the Transport layer. It orientates traffic that could be UDP, TCP, ICMP, SSL, HTTP, HTTPS, etc. There are also other solutions that perform load balancing on Layer 7 – Application.

Cloud-based balancers are offered to users as a service (usually SaaS), where the user doesn’t need to worry about infrastructure, support, and software. It comes as an easy-to-customize service that is relatively easier to administrate than a private network of servers. 

There are different mechanisms for managing the traffic that includes: 

  • Round Robin – A basic algorithm that directs the traffic based on the incoming request. It rotates the servers (IP addresses) from the first to the last and starts again when it finishes sending to all of them. 
  • Weighted Round Robin – Similar to the traditional Round Robin, but it adds the ability to set weights on the servers that will indicate how much traffic they will get. If one has double the weight of the rest, it will receive double the traffic. This can be useful if you have a more powerful server that you want to use more. 
  • Least connection – The traffic is administrated based on the number of connected devices to a server. The one that currently has the least connections will get the next requests to balance the network. 
  • And there are many more algorithms for load balancing like weighted least connection, resource-based, response time, etc.

Benefits of the Cloud-based Load Balancer

  • Great load balancing. A network of servers can handle better the incoming traffic. It reduces the stress on the individual servers and provides a better experience for the end-users. More servers will guarantee better handling even in times of extreme traffic like the Holiday Season or particular promotion time. Less downtime means better results for your business. 
  • Scalability. Thanks to its cloud nature, you can easily upgrade your plan and get more. You can get more instances or DNS PoP (points of presence) that you can manage based on the load balancing mechanism that you have chosen. Some companies even offer auto-scaling features that can add or remove extra servers based on the current situation. That can be very useful but also can lead to additional costs, so check the provider’s terms. 
  • Excellent price. Can you imagine if you need to get servers in each location where you will need servers? It can cost thousands of dollars! And what about the infrastructural costs like electricity and the Internet? With a cloud-based plan, you are saving a ton. It is the most cost-effective solution for your business.


Now that you know what Cloud-based Loading Balancing is, go ahead and start using it for your domain. Reduce the time for domain resolution and balance the traffic better to get excellent performance. 

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